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Montgomery County

101 Monroe Street 2nd Floor Rockville, MD 20850

Tel: +1(240) 777 0311

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Welcome to the Montgomery County Police Accountability Complaint Form.

  • According to the Maryland Public Safety Code Ann. § 3-102, a complaint of police misconduct filed with a police accountability board shall include: 
    • The name of the police officer accused of misconduct; 
    • A description of the facts on which the complaint is based; and 
    • Contact information of the complainant or a person filing on behalf of the complainant for investigative follow-up. 
  • A complaint of police misconduct with a police accountability board shall be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency within 3 days after receipt by the board. 
    • Those filing complaints will receive follow-up from the appropriate law enforcement agency conducting the investigation. 
  • The complainant’s contact information will not be shared with the officer in which the complaint is filed against.
  • After you have submitted your Complaint Form, you will be given instructions to download your submitted Form in PDF format.  
    • If you are unable to complete this form on-line:

Click here to print the PAB form and submit or mail this form to:
101 Monroe Street, 6th Floor 
Rockville, MD   20850 
C/O: Forrest Gilman-Reilly & Laura Byers 
For assistance, call MC311 by dialing 311 in the County or by dialing 240-777-0311.

Police Accountability Board Complaint Form

PAB Tracking

You will be provided with a PAB Tracking upon submission.


Montgomery County does not discriminate or disqualify business applicants based on gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, family status, country of origin, disability, or other demographic categories.

Complainant Date of Birth

Incident Description

Is the Incident Date and Time actual or approximate

Incident Date

Uploading additional details has a 250MB limit on each file upload. If your attachment is bigger than the server allows try putting the file in a shared location and sending a link instead.

Click Here to Upload

Law Enforcement Personnel Involved (If unknown, type Unknown)

You will be able to enter additional personnel in the next section.

Law Enforcement Personnel Involved (If unknown, type Unknown)

Witness Information


  • Please verify you have entered all data as complete as possible before proceeding by clicking the Previous Button at the bottom right of this page.
  • Click the Submit Button only if you are certain that you want to submit your complaint.

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PAB Received Date