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Montgomery County, MD

MCDOT Safety Day Vendor Application

Free community event with over 2,000 expected attendees!!

Business Address

Logo Upload - high resolution preferred with common formats needed (i.e., png or jpg )

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Point of Contact Name


Please provide information on your generator below.

Generator Information

Vendor Terms and Conditions

General Information:

  • There is no fee for approved vendors to participate in this event

  • Vendors that have a mission which aligns with the Safety Day goals will be considered for participation. This includes a mix of businesses and community organizations that support traffic safety (pedestrian, bike, driving), public health, and/or provide community resources

  • Food vendors must be licensed to operate in Montgomery County, Maryland

  • Booth load-in and set-up will begin at approximately 9:00am and breakdown begins no earlier than 3pm. Vendors may not break down booths before the event ends.

  •  All vendors must provide their own booth set-up and tear down, signage, literature, giveaways, supplies, staff, etc.

  •  Power, running water, sewer disposal, WIFI, tent, or table will not be provided

  •  All materials must fit inside the confines of the booth

  •  Vendors are responsible for the security of their own money collected

  •  Vendors must stay and have booth space staffed for the duration of the event

  •  Vendors must clean their space and dispose of trash

  •  All consumable food will be sold by licensed food trucks only

  • Prohibited items list (alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, drugs, unwrapped food items unless authorized by permit, lewd or offensive paraphernalia)

  •  Event organizers reserve the right to remove a vendor from the premises if in violation of any of the terms and conditions

  •  Photo/media release – Photos and videos of the event and attendees will be taken. By signing and submitting this application you authorize the event organizers to share your image with media outlets, and to post and distribute on various forms of communication.

  •  Inclement Weather

    •  The event will be held rain or shine, however, in the event of severe weather the event may be postponed until May 17, 2025, from 11am-3pm

Non-food vendor details:

  •  Approximate 10’x10’ booth size for non-food vendors.

  •  Non-food vendors must provide their own 10’x10’ tent, 6-foot table, and chairs. Tent weights on each pillar of the tent are required.

  •  On site sales of goods, products, or services by non-food vendors are prohibited. Non-food vendors may distribute free literature, promotional items, etc,

Food vendor details:

  •  Approximate 10’x15’ booth space for food vendors

  •  Food vendors that plan to set-up a tent, table, chairs, etc. must provide their own and ensure all materials fit within their booth space.

  •  List of requirements for food vendors:

    •  Proof of Certificate of insurance must be provided prior to the event date

    •  Proof of current license from MoCo Health dept. must be provided prior to the event date. Review Montgomery County’s requirements here:

    •  Maryland State retail tax number for the vendor is required

    •  Generator usage request is required (submit make and model for approval)

      •  “Quiet” generators only (ex. Honda 3000)

      •  Event organizers reserve the right to shut down generators that are too loud and/or foul smelling

      •  Electrical cords must be covered with cable protectors (yellow jackets)

Vendor Application Process

  • Timeline
    • Applications open on or around March 10
    • Applications close approximately April 11
    • Applications are reviewed week of April 14
    • Confirmation emails sent to selected vendors on or around April 21
    • Last day to Cancel date is April 25
    • Event details provided to selected vendors 1-2 weeks prior to the event around April 28

Contact for more information


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