“Geothermal Energy Device” and/or “Solar Energy Device” means a device that:
(1) Uses geothermal energy or solar energy to heat or cool a structure; to provide hot water
for use in the structure; or to generate electricity to be used in the structure; and
(2) Meets safety and performance standards set by a nationally recognized testing laboratory
for that kind of device.
“Energy Conservation Device” means a device that:
(1) Reduces the demands for conventional fuels, or increases the efficiency of these fuels,
A. caulking and weatherstripping doors and windows;
B. furnace efficiency modifications;
C. a programmable thermostat;
D. ceiling, attic, wall, or floor insulation;
E. water heater insulation;
F. storm windows or doors, multiglazed windows or doors, and heat-absorbed or heatreflective
glazed window or door materials;
G. any device which controls demand of appliances and aids load management; and
H. any other conservation device, renewable energy technology, and specific home
improvement that is determined necessary to assure that energy conservation
measures are effective
(2) Meets safety and performance standards set by a nationally recognized testing laboratory
for that kind of device.
Energy Conservation Device does not include a standard household appliance.
Additional Information
In order to be eligible for the credit, approved Renewable Energy Devices and Energy
Conservation Devices must have been installed within 12 months before the property
owner submits an application to the Director of Finance.
The tax credit can be applied against, and cannot exceed, the amount of the County
Property Tax of an owner-occupied residential property. The tax credit may be
granted in the year in which the credit is applied for, or carried forward to the next
year (if the funding limit has been reached for that year). Any unused credit amount
can be carried forward for an additional 2 years (carry forward applicable to credits
Renewable Energy Devices only) .
In any fiscal year, no more than 1 tax credit for Renewable Energy Devices may be
issued per property.
In any fiscal year, the amount of credit for Energy Conservation Devices may not exceed
$250 per property.
Effective January 27, 2010: During any fiscal year, the total of all credits granted by the
County must not exceed $100,000 for Energy Conservation Devices. Credits will be
granted in the order in which complete applications are received by the Department of
Effective November 8, 2011: No credit will be granted for applications submitted
after November 8, 2011, unless an individual: 1) enters into a contract for eligible
costs on or before November 8, 2011; and 2) applies for the credit on or before
November 8, 2012.